
Emergency care for dogs in Whitinville: Know the alarming symptoms 

Dogs are incredibly resilient. Because these fur babies are so eager to please, they don’t often show signs of pain or distress until their condition has progressed to an extreme. As a pet owner, you cannot risk their health and well-being. You need to ensure your dog is vaccinated on schedule, gets annual wellness checkups, and has a good lifestyle. It is just as pertinent to know the signs that require urgent care. In this post, we will discuss symptoms that indicate the need to call an emergency veterinarian in Whitinsville, MA

Abdominal swelling 

Bloating is rather a common issue among dogs, and it could indicate gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), which can be fatal. If your dog has abdominal swelling, you will find that their belly is firm to the touch. The animal is likely to refuse food and water and may appear to be dull and lethargic. Giant breeds are more at risk of GDV, and when this happens, immediate surgery is essential. 

Possible poisoning

Dogs like roaming and wandering, and despite all the attention, your pet may consume or eat something that is harmful and poisonous to them. If you find your dog has been vomiting many times in 24 hours, is frothing from the mouth, and has lethargy, call the vet right away. Emergency care can help save your dog’s life. 


It is not unusual for pets like dogs and cats to vomit once in a while. However, excessive vomiting indicates a medical emergency. Not only can vomiting lead to dehydration, but without timely care and treatment, your dog could end up with severe complications. Also, seek attention if you find unusual content in the vomit, especially blood. 


Understanding whether your dog is experiencing a shock can be confusing. Beware if the animal has a fast heart rate, pale gums, severe dehydration, and low blood sugar. It often happens with smaller dogs and puppies, and even if you aren’t sure about the reason, call the clinic for an urgent appointment. 


Thanks to their active nature, dogs often land in situations where they get hurt. If your dog has a fracture, see your emergency vet immediately. Do the same if you find your pet is limping, has bite marks on the body, or cannot walk. Don’t stress the animal by trying to move them. The vet will check for signs and order X-rays to identify the fracture. If you have a bigger breed, you can call the clinic for assistance.

Breathing issues

If your dog has trouble breathing or has a feeble pulse, call the emergency vet without any delay. Breathing difficulties could result from a number of conditions, including pre-existing health issues. A complete exam and timely treatment can help avoid further complications. 


There are various underlying conditions that can lead to seizures, but when your dog is experiencing the symptoms, you cannot afford to wait. The typical symptoms of a seizure include body contractions, stiffness, and unconsciousness. During a seizure, your pet may even urinate or pass stool. Even if this is a first seizure that didn’t last for more than five minutes, you should still see a vet. 

Final takeaway

Unfortunately, pet parents make the mistake of ignoring the initial signs of diseases, only to deal with severe symptoms later. When your dog isn’t behaving as usual or refusing to eat, there is a likely problem that needs to be addressed. As for the emergency signs listed above, you cannot afford to watch. Check online today to find a top-rated and reliable veterinary clinic in Whitinsville. Ensure the clinic offers emergency care & treatment on demand.